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Proud to be an Export Champion

East of England Export Champion 2020 4Col thumbnail2US2U Consulting have been awarded the prestigious title of 2020 Export Champion by the UK Department for International Trade.

This is in recognition of the international work we have done over the last few years, with international projects and trade visits to the likes of Belgium, Ireland, Canada, USA and across the Middle East - along with the insights our teams can share with other businesses looking to export their goods and services. Read more >>>



  • Rising Powers: From Brexit to Bricsit

    Kerwin Blackburn attended a lecture organised by the University of Manchester's Global Development Institute and delivered by Professor Alan Winters on Friday 23 June in Manchester, titled Taking Interdependency Seriously: Brexit and the Rising Powers.

    Asking what the future holds for the UK following the country's departure from the EU, the lecture gave an overview of the key strengths and opportunities concerning the UK's relationships with the 5 main emerging 'BRICS' - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - in what has been termed the UK's 'BRICSIT' movement.

    The lecture provided interesting insights into what the UK needs to do to build greater working relationships with our counterparts in these emerging parts of the world.

    This complements the Cultural Awareness and Intercultural Communication service that US2U Consulting offer to our clients to ensure they are best placed to overcome challenges and make the most of the UK's transition to a more interdependent future.

    Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information on how we can keep your organisation up to date with the latest cultural issues!