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Proud to be an Export Champion

East of England Export Champion 2020 4Col thumbnail2US2U Consulting have been awarded the prestigious title of 2020 Export Champion by the UK Department for International Trade.

This is in recognition of the international work we have done over the last few years, with international projects and trade visits to the likes of Belgium, Ireland, Canada, USA and across the Middle East - along with the insights our teams can share with other businesses looking to export their goods and services. Read more >>>

Export Champion

Export Champion

  • As One Door Closes, Another Door Opens

    Since 2009, US2U Consulting has been supported in our International Export work by Leszek Wysocki, International Trade Advisor, Department for Business and Trade.

    This support included inviting us to join the UK Trade and Investment Mission to Qatar, Oman and Abu Dhabi in December 2013. This was part of the company's Gateway to Global Growth programme and followed successful projects in Canada, North America, Belgium, France and Bahrain. Leszek attended the Trade Mission with US2U Consulting Founder Rachel Blackburn.

    Subsequent to this, US2U Consulting has delivered successful international projects in Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Ireland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, India and the US.

    Leszek was also instrumental with our award of Export Champion status from 2020 onwards.

    US2U Consulting has also introduced Leszek to some of our clients to support their exporting strategies. One of these is UK-based international recovery truck company Boniface Engineering, part of US-based Miller Industries.

    After 22 years in the role, Leszek has decided to retire.

    Rachel Blackburn, pictured with Mike Boniface (left) and Leszek (right), said "It has been great to work with Leszek for so long. He will definitely be missed for his knowledge, enthusiasm, commitment and contacts. We wish him all the best for the next chapter in his life."

    Mike Boniface presented Leszek with a glass paperweight model truck and said, "We would like to thank Leszek for all the support that he has given Boniface Engineering over the years as we have continued with our European export activities. We have enjoyed great success."

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  • Celebrating the Platinum Jubilee in NYC

    Two of the US2U Consulting team were in New York City during the recent seventieth anniversary and were delighted to be invited to a reception in celebration of The Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. This was hosted by Emma Wade-Smith OBE, pictured above with Rachel Blackburn, who is Her Majesty's Consul General to New York and HM Trade Commissioner for North America. It was held at the Lincoln Center's Hearst Plaza in Manhattan and was followed by a silent disco featuring legendary DJ Mark Ronson.

    Emma said, "Thank you to all who have made New York's Platinum Jubilee celebrations a roaring success."

    "As we hold the British Department for International Trade Export Champion status for the third year it was great to be able to participate in this extraordinary event and meet so many interesting people" said Rachel.

    We also met Helena Nolan, Consul General of Ireland in New York, pictured with Rachel Blackburn below. We have completed several projects for clients in Ireland over the years and look forward to developing these relationships further.

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  • Cultural Trip to Japan, August 2024

    As management consultants we are passionate about working with clients to improve efficiency and effectiveness whilst developing a respectful culture where all can thrive.

    Therefore it was a great opportunity for two of our team to visit key places in Japan recently including Tokyo, Yokohama, Kobe, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Hakodate to experience some Japanese efficiency and culture. It was fascinating to experience the bullet train from Kobe to Kyoto - but surprisingly our train appeared to be a few minutes late!

    Always keen to promote any British trade opportunities, Rachel Blackburn, pictured in Osaka, proudly wore her Export Champion badge and developed a few interesting contacts to be followed up.

    Please get in touch to learn more about how we can support your plans to improve efficiency in your business and/or develop international trade plans by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    Rachel export champion japan   Japan US2U picture August 2024

  • Developed in the UK, Sold to the World

    We are thrilled to have been re-appointed as an Export Champion by the Department for Business & Trade for 2023/24. The Department for Business & Trade is the UK Government department for economic growth. It supports businesses to invest, grow and export, creating jobs and opportunities around the country.

    Our role as Export Champions is to inspire other businesses to grow through exporting, drawing on our experience of entering various international markets in the last 12 years.

    As a UK-based business, US2U Consulting recognises that exporting is fundamental to getting our economy back on track. Our goal is to make a positive difference across various international markets by exporting our leadership development services.

    In particular, our Executive Coaching, Transformational Change and Teambuilding Services have made a significant impact in businesses in various territories from Canada through to Ireland and Dubai. We also work with UK-based businesses on specific projects to support development of their scaling up and overseas business development strategies.

    Andrew Mitchell CMG, Director General, Domestic and International Markets and Exports, Department for Business and Trade, said "Export Champions play an integral role in the Government's Export Strategy - a partnership with business to encourage trade with every market in the world and realise our ambition to reach £1 trillion in exports in goods and services by 2030."

    Rachel Blackburn, Founder and Director of US2U Consulting (pictured) said "We are excited to be part of this inspiring initiative; we can all play our part whether directly, or as part of the supply chain, to make an impact on this ambitious target for 2030."

    Feel free to drop Rachel a line if you'd like some advice! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Export Champion Networking Event

    US2U Consulting has been proud to have been awarded Export Champion status by the Department for International Trade back in 2020. We often use our international trading experience to support our clients' overseas business strategies.

    As part of International Trade Week, 31 October - 4 November 2022, we were pleased to have a presence at an Export Champion networking event on 31 October at Lancaster House, London, hosted by Andrew Mitchell, Director General, Exports & UK Trade, at the Department for International Trade.

    The event was organised for the start of the Department for International Trade's (DIT) International Trade Week to celebrate the contributions of the 2022-23 Export Champion cohort. Export Champions inspire and encourage other businesses to export. This event was an opportunity to thank Export Champions from across the UK for their services and it was an excellent platform to network with other Export Champions across the country.

    Our client, Alan Hardingham, Chief Financial Officer of ETA Green Power said, "It was really interesting to meet so many different people who have a track record of exporting and discuss the challenges we are managing."

    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out how we can assist your organisation with your international strategy.

  • Made In The UK, Sold To The World

    As an Export Champion, Rachel Blackburn, Founder and Director of US2U Consulting was pleased to attend the launch event of International Trade Week 2023 in London on Monday 6 November. This included various workshops to enable businesses to "Boost Your Global Success", and also a keynote address by The Rt Hon Kemi Badenoch, Secretary of State for the Department for Business and Trade.

    The evening reception celebrated the Export Champion initiative's 10th anniversary and was hosted by Lord Offord of Garvel, Minister for Exports, pictured with Rachel.

    Rachel said "It was a high energy event with a broad range of UK businesses determined to play our part in achieving the UK target of  £1trillion in exports by 2030."

    This event was also great timing for US2U Consulting, as we have recently secured our first Executive Coaching client in New York - a key part of our current exporting strategy.

    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn how US2U Consulting can assist your organisation's international strategy.

  • New Year, New York! US2U Consulting's USA Expansion

    As part of our 2024 expansion plans for delivering our Executive Coaching Services for clients in New York, we have joined BritishAmerican Business and produced an introductory video to explain who we are, what we do and what makes our services special.

    Take a look below and let us know what you think.

    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out how US2U Consulting can make a positive difference to your organisation.

  • New York News: York Minster Reception 5 May 2024

    As a member of the St George's Society of New York, Rachel Blackburn, US2U Consulting Founder and CEO, was pleased to attend the celebration of the arrival of the York Ledger with a centennial celebration at Saint Thomas Church in New York. It celebrates the 100th anniversary of New York City presenting the city of York, England, with a Bronze plaque commemorating the bond between the two cities. The York ledger left York for its transatlantic journey on 6 February 2024. (Learn more about the York ledger stone here.)

    The ceremony included greetings from The Right Honours The Lord Mayor of York, The Reverend Councilor Chris Cullwick and a response from the Mayor of New York, His Honor Eric L Adams.

    The stone was unveiled by the British Consul General, Mrs Hannah Young and there was a message including warmest wishes from King Charles III.

    Rachel said, "As an Export Champion it was fantastic to be part of this experience where the focus was about continuing to develop strong relationships for trade across the two countries."

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  • Next Phase of US2U Expansion in the U.S.

    Thank you to BritishAmerican Business for supporting our week-long business to New York last week, 17-22 March 2024. It was great to meet so many people and discuss how our Executive Coaching services can help them and their businesses achieve their ambitious growth plans.

    Please see details of Executive Coaching Services for more information, along with our 2 minute overview video here.

    Now to plan the next visit!

    Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn how we can make a positive difference to your organisation.

  • Trading through a Pandemic - Business Update

    Over 6 months on from the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic, at US2U Consulting we are really pleased that we have remained open for business throughout, having continued to support our clients across the UK and internationally with their priorities.

    Our flexible and creative approach to the challenges of Covid-19 has seen us continue to make a positive difference, and it is great that the Autumn has seen our team get back out on the road engaging in more face-to-face activities, thanks to the reopening of many of our clients' workplaces. (After all, 'us-to-you' is what we are about!)

    Some of our successful adaptations over the last 6 months have included:

     We are delivering socially-distanced Leadership and Change Workshops in Covid-secure workplaces (see an example in the photo). We are adapting activities and exercises so that we still meet the objectives but in a safe way, recognising that a lot of management teams have not been working together face-to-face for some months and are keen to get more interaction to develop the way they are leading their teams through this level of unprecedented change.

     We are delivering options for face-to-face coaching and workshops online or on-site depending on preference and locations. This is enabling us to deliver some international projects which is great as we are 2020 'Export Champions', as appointed by the UK Department for International Trade earlier this year.

     Our office is Covid-secure in line with current UK government regulations and we have been pleased to welcome people to this safe space for one-to-one coaching - and we always get positive feedback as rural Norfolk is a great place to learn.

     We have taken this opportunity to produce two open online learning courses - Producing a Robust Business Plan and Influencing Skills to Achieve Your Goals

     We are helping clients adapt and manage their 2020 challenges including ensuring appropriate levels of support for mental health and wellbeing, communication strategies when some people are home-based, and encouraging and more proactive approach to encouraging diversity in the workplace.

    While we will all continue to face work and social challenges in the coming months, US2U Consulting are always available with our wide range of tailored services, ready to make a positive difference to any organisation.

    View our services here or contact us to find out more.

  • US2U Consulting Comes of Age! Celebrating our 18th Anniversary

    We are excited that today, 1st April 2024, we celebrate the 18th Anniversary of US2U Consulting. Wow - think how much has changed since we started the company on 1st April 2006!

    Even our strapline has changed from 'Achieving Success Together' to 'Guaranteed To Make A Positive Difference'. One thing that hasn't changed is our set of values: tailor-made solutions, inspirational, integrity, responsive customer service, strong relationships, encouraging diversity,and understanding client needs. These remain at the heart of our business today and influence everything that we do. Thank you to our clients, suppliers, current and former team members who have all been a significant part of this journey.

    We estimate that we have worked with businesses to increase their value in excess of £250 million during these last 18 years and remain committed and passionate about delivering excellence in each of our projects.

    Whether you are in the UK or overseas, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to discuss how US2U Consulting can help grow the value of your business.

  • US2U Consulting named 2020 Export Champion by Department for International Trade

    US2U Consulting have been awarded the prestigious title of 2020 Export Champion by the UK Department for International Trade.

    This is in recognition of the international work we have done over the last few years, with international projects and trade visits to the likes of Belgium, Ireland, Canada, USA and across the Middle East - along with the insights our teams can share with other businesses looking to export their goods and services.

    In this role US2U Consulting will provide peer-to-peer support, offering advice and inspiring others to export; raise awareness of UK DIT's services; and act as a sounding board for what exporters want, to help create a supportive exporting ecosystem.

    Please get in touch to find out more about how we can assist with your export strategy.

  • US2U Down Under: Rachel Blackburn MBE Meets With UK Government in Sydney

    As an Export Champion, Rachel Blackburn met with Ceri Morgan, Director - Investment, Energy and Infrastructure at the Department for Business & Trade in the British Consulate office in Sydney, Australia this week. This meeting was arranged by Kate Pinkerton, International Trade Advisor, DBT for Southern England.

    The aim was to discuss top tips for UK businesses planning to export products and/or services to Australia during 2025.

    Ceri, pictured with Rachel, offered the following advice:

    1. Australia is generally pleased to learn how to adapt and adopt technologies from overseas if they will strengthen their services, capabilities and infrastructure.

    2. As with many other territories, priority areas for collaboration appear to be around energy transition, fintech and lawtech.

    3. When developing relationships and understanding of the market opportunities, it is best to take a state-by-state approach. For example, the needs in Queensland could be different from those in Western Australia. Also, it is best to travel to various states to meet with key people rather than assume everyone will meet in Sydney.

    4. Remember to take a collaborative approach rather than assume that you will have something obviously brilliant that Australian buyers will automatically wish to buy.

    5. Be mindful of potential political changes as Australia has a federal election coming up over the next few months.

    6. When referencing the Department for Business and Trade, it tends to be known as the UK Government in Australia to develop a clear brand and avoid confusion.

    Rachel said, "It's great to be back in Sydney to discuss with Ceri and other business people how warmly new business ideas are welcomed in Australia so long as the right approach is taken."

    Ceri also highlighted the UK government's Export Support Service, available at, as a great starting place for companies considering exporting for the first time, or expanding into new markets. Finding a local international trade advisor can also be an effective way to begin your exporting journey.

    Please contact Rachel to discuss your international business development strategies in more detail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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  • US2U in India - She Inspires Foundation Chat With Rachel Blackburn

    Following US2U Consulting's trade mission to India in 2023 and efforts to develop relationships with key partners for the India business market, US2U Founder and Director Rachel Blackburn recorded a discussion with She Inspires Foundation CIC. The discussion focused on Rachel's experiences of attending a trade mission to India, and devising US2U Consulting's international strategy for this market as a UK Export Champion.

    In association and support from DBT (Department for Business and Trade) and Manchester India Partnership and other associates, SheInspires Group is hoping to change the landscape for women in business, one market and industry at a time.

    Watch the video below and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn how US2U Consulting can make a positive difference to your organisation.

  • US2U Meet with the British Consulate General, New York, March 2023

    Kerwin and Rachel Blackburn were pleased to meet Toby Usnik (pictured, left, with Rachel) - Head of Communications at the British Consulate General in New York recently to discuss potential opportunities for our services in the US. Our meeting took place in the iconic location of Grand Central Terminal, New York (pictured below).

    Whilst Toby currently works for the British Consulate General in New York, he has a commercial background and was able to share positive insights into the Executive Coaching market. We are planning our US strategy so please get in touch if you have contacts who would benefit from our services in that part of the world.

    Linked to this story is that the British Department for Business and Trade have asked US2U Consulting to be an Export Champion for the fourth consecutive year. Part of this role is to advise other businesses on their international strategies.

    Our first year of being awarded Export Champion status was 2020 - read about this here.

    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to find out how we can assist with you export strategies.

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