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Proud to be an Export Champion

East of England Export Champion 2020 4Col thumbnail2US2U Consulting have been awarded the prestigious title of 2020 Export Champion by the UK Department for International Trade.

This is in recognition of the international work we have done over the last few years, with international projects and trade visits to the likes of Belgium, Ireland, Canada, USA and across the Middle East - along with the insights our teams can share with other businesses looking to export their goods and services. Read more >>>

African Leadership Magazine Summit

African Leadership Magazine Summit

  • African Leadership Action in London

    US2U Consulting Founder and Director, Rachel Blackburn, joined key leaders from African and Caribbean territories for the 9th African Leadership Magazine Summit at The Dorchester Hotel, Park Lane, London on 17 July 2024. The theme was Africa Unleashed: Navigating Disruptions, Enhancing Opportunities. Supported by Baroness Sandy Verma who is a member of the UK House of Lords, it was an action-packed event with some strong messages. Rachel, pictured with H.E. Hon Philip Davis, Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, at the event, also attended the previous summit in New York last September.

    Whilst each country or territory appears to have their own specific challenges - including feedback from HS Rinda Hasimbelow, Minister of Economy and Finance, Madagascar, saying that people do not see the country as suitable to do business with as they think there are only animals there and no people - there were some common threads. These included:

     • Africa is no longer a sleeping giant

    • Too many decisions about what is best for Africa are made outside of Africa

    • Africa needs trade and strong partnerships with businesses across the world, rather than aid to reach its full potential

    • Africa needs strong, effective leadership with good governance to remove corruption across the continent

    Interestingly, one of the key messages from the agricultural sector is that they want to develop so that Africa can feed the world. Exactly thirty nine years from the Live Aid initiatives across the world founded by Bob Geldolf and Midge Ure in 1985 when the message was that the rest of the world had to feed Africa, this seems like progress indeed.

    Please get in touch if you would like to develop trade relationships with the African/Caribbean nations, via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.