US2U Consulting Sales Performance Consultant Steve Thurlow is delivering a webinar, hosted by the Cambridge Network, on the topic of buying and sales psychology, on Wednesday 14th April from 11am - 12pm.

The webinar explores how people make buying decisions in a world of complexity and information overload. Fortunately, the psychology of making a major decision is consistent. It doesn't matter if it's personal or business, or if it's an individual or group decision - the mental processes we all go through are the same.

Discussed in a B2B sales context, this webinar will provide insights into the phases of the buying process, how to recognise them and how to match your sales approach to achieve maximum impact.

Click here to learn more and sign up. The webinar is free to Cambridge Network members, and £10 to non-members. To find out more about how Steve and US2U Consulting can improve your sales conversions as we look forward to post-lockdown reopening and Covid-19 economic recovery, contact us.

Take a look at the US2U Consulting Podcast Sales episode featuring Steve below: