Whilst we have worked with clients to develop their processes and behaviours for managing diversity for many years, we have now seen how the agenda has changed since the killing of George Floyd in the US in May 2020.
Therefore we have researched and developed a new Diversity and Inclusion Framework which supports the latest language and principles of proactively addressing black lives inequality.
This includes recognising what Diversity and Inclusion mean, understanding the latest terms and what is appropriate, exploring unconscious and conscious bias, reflecting on relevant black history, managing issues around recruiting, developing and promoting people and action planning to achieve positive change.
Please get in touch to find out how we can help you manage this sensitive priority which has moral and commercial implications.
(Pictured below is a painting by US2U Consulting team member Kerwin Blackburn - a Jackson Pollock inspired action painting of American civil rights activitist Martin Luther King, capturing the tone of the current discussion)